SDG Planning Calender 2022

UN Water Conference

Our Mission

The purpose of the Association is to promote sustainable and responsible investment in Iran’s health, transportation, environmental, financial and other related and necessary sectors based on global finding about economic, social and environmental situation in Iran.



:The Association shall pursue the following aims

The purpose of the Association is to promote sustainable and responsible investment in Iran’s health, transportation, environmental, financial and other related and necessary sectors based on global finding about economic, social and environmental situation in Iran by establishing bi-lateral business relationships with Switzerland to develop and implement projects supported by those investments, by means of:


A. Co-hosting informational conferences, seminars, and special events in Switzerland in collaboration with other Swiss associations and chambers of commerce committed to similar objectives and goals; the conferences feature expert speakers addressing key themes of interest, with opportunities for participants networking and discussion.

B. the SIIF recognizes the global importance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a global agenda to end poverty by 2030 – and the unique role that impact investing will play in achieving these goals and building a sustainable future.

That is why the SIIF has programed to lunch an event to calling for investors to make impact investments that align to the SDGs. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Impact Investing is a collection of profiles that demonstrate how impact investors have begun to utilize the SDG framework to address a variety of global issues such as access to clean water, improving health and well-being, climate change mitigation, and more.



C. Seeking assistance from, and collaborating with Swiss government, business, and financial regulatory institutions to improve Iran’s knowledge base and to build capacity in the areas of investment banking, credit rating agencies, financial transparency, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development strategies; and,


D. Developing collaborative projects with Swiss, Iranian, and international organizations that support the purpose of the Association to take advantage of new market and investment opportunities