1-Academic Partners
Universities, R&D Groups and Academic Networks
SIIF conferences in Switzerland provide unique opportunities for universities and research organizations to present scientific papers and demonstrations of new technologies and products to potential investors. Academic partners also benefit from participating as members of SIIF conference discussion panels, setting up exhibition booths, profiles on the SIIF conference website and in printed materials distributed to all conference participants. Additionally, SIIF Academic partners have input regarding potential keynote speakers for conferences and specific thematic sessions. In special circumstances, SIIF may also arrange separate, private meetings with potential international project partners to facilitate collaborative relationships.
2- Industrial Partners
Industrial Partners, Sponsors and Professional Networks
On behalf of the organizing committee and partners, SIIForum has a great pleasure in inviting you to attend the 1st International forum on investment opportunities of Iran, to be held on in Geneva, Switzerland, which is integrated in a set of related panels that will gather about 100 delegates.
We aim at an extensive and exciting program, to be centered on the theme “investment opportunities”, focusing on market potentials, including areas such as Health sector, transportation, finance and banking and technology.
SIIF will bring together investors, industry and world renowned experts and researchers, providing a privileged forum for showcasing your organization to an audience that is highly focused on your field of work. SIIF offers a set of opportunities designed to support your marketing objectives, including publishing materials as advertising packs.
3- Media Partners
Publications, websites and institutions related to this event, its satellite events and its venue are welcome to enter a media partnership with SIIForum, by means of which they assist in divulging the conference through a link exchange, by forwarding our Call for Papers or by publishing news pieces about the event or its speakers.
Sponsorship Opportunities at SIIF
No matter what your business goal--gaining brand exposure, building goodwill, or connecting and engaging with audiences from around the world-SIIF has the sponsorship opportunity that meets your needs and budget
Here is an overview of the opportunities we provide:
• Networking Receptions & Customized Events
• Education
• Partnering Opportunities
• Branding